If a St. Bernard has bitten you, you should clean the wound with warm water and soap right away. You can apply antibiotic ointment and cover the injury with a clean bandage. This can help reduce infection until you seek care immediately from a medical professional.
After you treat the injury, get contact information for the dog’s owner and anyone who may have seen the dog bite or attack, such as their name, address, and phone number. Record these details and collect evidence soon after the incident, as it can be harder to find both later.
If someone else’s negligence caused your injuries, our Austin dog bite lawyers can work to recover your losses, such as medical costs and pain and suffering, from the liable party. We can help you gather key evidence for your potential case, even if you don’t have the contact information. You can learn more during a free consultation.
What Should You Do After a St. Bernard Dog Bite Injury?
It can be shocking and emotionally hurtful when a dog attacks without warning, especially if it’s an animal you feel you know well. St. Bernard dogs have strength and size, but they are known for their gentle temperament and protective nature.
Despite these qualities, no one can predict how animals may behave when they interact with others, particularly if they are ill, scared, or feel threatened. They can bite without warning for any reason. Still, now that the dog has bitten you, you must take care of yourself and do the following:
Get Medical Care for the Dog Bite Wound Now
You should get immediate medical treatment for a dog bite injury. No matter how minor the injury appears, a healthcare professional should confirm its status. Dog bites can cause infections, nerve damage, broken bones, and other internal injuries.
You also could be at risk of contracting rabies, which can be deadly if not treated immediately. Getting medical treatment right after the injury can help your case. You can use this as evidence to confirm that the St. Bernard’s bite directly caused your damages.
Document the Incident
You should also record the incident with your local police department, animal control agency, or public health department. Authorities can make an official report about the incident that contains information essential to your case. Be sure the report includes the following:
- The incident date, time, and location
- Information about the dog bite victim, including their contact details
- Witness statements and contact info
- The dog’s breed, size, and color
- The dog owner’s name and contact details
- The details leading up to the and actions that occurred right after the incident
- Photos and videos of the victim’s injury
A St. Bernard Dog Bite Lawyer Can Fight for Your Full Recovery
Hiring a lawyer to represent you in your insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit will help you protect your rights. Dog bite injury cases often involve complex laws and rules that can be hard to follow, especially when you are not feeling well.
Our attorneys can explain how your state’s dog bite liability laws affect your case. Some states follow a “one-bite” rule, which allows a dog to have only one aggressive encounter with a person. In other states, a strict liability rule applies.
It allows dog bite injury victims to hold owners liable for their damages. Victims also don’t have to prove negligence; they only must prove the dog bit them and they suffered damages because of their injuries. They also must prove the animal belongs to the person they are suing.
The Role of a Personal Injury Lawyer
Our personal injury lawyers handling dog bite claims can lead your entire case, giving you time to focus on healing. They can lead your case by:
- Listening to your account of what happened during a free consultation.
- Investigating the incident to determine what happened and collect evidence that supports your claims.
- Reviewing your losses to determine how much your case is worth.
- Identifying who you can sue for a dog bite injury in addition to the dog’s owner.
- Determining which insurance policy you can pursue.
- Leading settlement negotiations with an insurance company.
- Preparing and filing a lawsuit if your attorney cannot settle with the insurer.
- Fighting for your recovery at trial if necessary.
- Updating you regularly and answering questions and concerns.
Recoverable Injuries Dog Bite Victims Can Demand
Your losses are unique to your situation. While there is no average settlement in dog bite cases, we will use our legal experience to determine how much you can recover.
If a St. Bernard dog bit you, you can show how much the injury has cost you with receipts, billing statements, pay stubs, and other documentation. Your lawyer can review these as they determine the compensation you can get from a dog bite injury.
Common compensatory damages in dog bite injury cases include:
- Medical expenses: You could recover the costs of your care, including those for emergency care, surgery, hospital stays, prescription medications, medical devices, and other services.
- Pain and suffering: If you experience depression, anxiety, or emotional distress, after an encounter with an aggressive St. Bernard, you could demand damages, including therapy or counseling fees.
- Lost income: You can demand repayment for money you lost from not being able to work. If your injury forces you to reduce work hours, change fields, or stop working altogether, you could seek damages for a loss of future earning capacity.
- Scarring and disfigurement: Dog bites can leave behind marks and disfiguring injuries that change one’s appearance. Compensation can cover corrective treatment.
- Impaired quality of life: If your injury affects your social interactions, hobbies, or how you enjoy your life overall, you could recover financial awards for the adjustments you had to make since the injury.
- Wrongful death damages: If your loved one suffered fatal injuries after a dog bite, our Austin wrongful death lawyer could file legal action to recover medical expenses, lost income, and final arrangement expenses. State laws govern these lawsuits, so an attorney can explain how they work where you live.
How Much Time Do You Have to File a Dog Bite Lawsuit?
If you have been bitten by a St. Bernard and want to take legal action, you must meet your case’s statute of limitations deadline. You do not have a long time to file your personal injury case. In some states, such as Texas, you have two years from the incident date to file legal action. Injured parties risk losing their right to seek recovery if they miss the filing deadline.
If you are not sure how long you have, you can talk with our attorneys. We can determine if exceptions in your case allow you more time to file. We can also file the lawsuit for you, taking this important task off your hands.
We Can Represent You in a St. Bernard Dog Bite Case – Call Us
If you were bitten by a St. Bernard dog, you can explore your legal options with Zinda Law Group. We can outline the steps you can take to recover damages.
If you hire us, we will represent you at no upfront cost. Our no-win, no-fee contingency agreement means we only get paid if you receive compensation. Call us today or contact us for a free case evaluation.
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
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Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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