Most of the time if you file a claim with your insurance after an accident and the company denies your claim, even though you have full coverage, it has to do with who is at fault. Insurance companies do usually pay when their driver is at fault, but if their driver is both the claimant and the at-fault driver there is usually an exclusion of that claim from coverage. However, full coverage will usually cover property damage, but typically the only recourse for your bodily injury claims if you were at fault is through a claim under your Personal Injury Protection (PIP) or Medical Payments (MedPay) coverage. These typically have low limits and provide a small amount of coverage so they will not fully cover your losses. They also do not provide any recovery for damages other than medical bills and lost wages.
Where Zinda Law Group Practices:
We were founded in Texas and have a team of Austin personal injury lawyers as well as attorneys in Dallas and Fort Worth.
As we’ve grown we expanded out west to El Paso, Texas subsequently into Arizona adding Tucson Personal Injury Lawyers to the firm, as well as adding offices in Colorado including Denver Personal Injury Lawyers and the surrounding cities such as Colorado Springs.
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationTypes of Cases We Handle:
We also have a team of attorneys that have experience serious injury cases such as car accidents, wrongful death and truck accidents. We also have experience handling more complex cases such as gas explosions and drug injury cases, such as the Taxotere® Lawsuits.
Jason Aldridge
We have successfully represented clients in a wide variety of cases across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation