Motorcyclists share the road equally with cars and trucks, but unfortunately, not all vehicles are created equal. While cars and trucks have the ability to be hit in a blind-spot accident, motorcyclist are much more likely to be injured because they are smaller and hide more easily in a vehicle’s blind spot. So what is a blind spot? Every vehicle has a zone surrounding it that is not visible by the driver. It is actually a type of driver disability, because blind zones will increase or decrease based on the body structure of the driver as well. Blind spots may be present in the windshield portion, side-view and rear-view mirrors. There are also objects inside of vehicles that block a driver’s view of the road such as headrests and pillars. So then, blind spots will change in size based on the size of the driver, the type of vehicle and also, how fast the vehicle is traveling.
The most common and also the most dangerous type of blind spot is a rear quarter blind spot. In order to prevent these kinds of accidents, a driver should not only check their mirrors, but also turn their heads to check briefly out their side windows. On the other hand, motorcyclists should never coast in a car’s blind spot. When you are traveling on the road or highway, make sure you never maintain a speed that causes you to remain in a vehicle’s blind spot for more than a few seconds. This will significantly decrease the risk of collision. There are also problems when it comes to forward visibility as well. Windshields are framed by pillars that separate the front window from the side windows. Factors such as the angle of the windshield, the size of the pillars in relation to the driver and the angle of the windshield can all play into a blind spot accident.
According to consumer reports, there are approximately 200 fatal accidents that take place on a yearly basis because of a driver that couldn’t see the vehicle that they hit. In order to hopefully remediate this problem, many cars now come equipped with rear-view cameras and aids (lane departure warning systems) to help drivers notice motorcycles and other vehicles that may be resting in their blind spots. Consumer reports have compiled studies in order to show which vehicles have the worst blind spots. Midsized sedans, at best, have an eight-foot blind spot while at worst it is a 35-foot blind spot. Contrast this to pickup trucks that have, at best, a 16-foot blind spot and at worst have an incredible 50-foot blind spot.
Call an attorney if you’ve been hit!
Common sense safety rules: always signal for at least three seconds before changing lanes. This will warn the other driver, even if you do not see them. Motorcycles also operate under some different traffic laws that other vehicles do. Since motorcyclists can travel in between lanes, they must be careful to perceive whether or not those drivers notice them. This can be especially true in high-traffic situations in which cars and trucks are stuck traveling slowly, while motorcycles have the freedom to maintain their speed and ride in between the other cars. Cars often get impatient in traffic and rapidly change lanes, which can pose great danger to motorcycle riders. If you were riding a motorcycle and were hit by a driver that is claiming you were in their blind spot, then contact a Personal Injury Attorney. You likely suffered serious injuries that you deserve maximum compensation for.
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