Riding a bike is a great way to enjoy fresh air while also getting exercise. Unfortunately, however, accidents involving both bicyclists and vehicles can be deadly, as cyclists are not afforded the same protection as motorists are. For this reason, you may be wondering: “does car insurance cover a bicycle accident?” Fortunately, the answer is …
Domain News And Media: Bicycle Accidents
Safe Passing Laws for Cyclists
Is Passing a Bicyclist Legal? Accidents involving a vehicle and a bicyclist can result in great bodily harm to the cyclist. Thus, there has been increasing interest across the United States in safe passing laws for cyclists. States currently have different laws regarding passing cyclists, and some have no statutes for passing cyclists. In some …
Bicycle Accident Liability in Austin: How To Determine Who is at Fault?
Accidents involving cyclists often result in severe injuries. As the cost of treatment and lost wages start to pile up you may feel overwhelmed. Many victims in this position hire a car accident attorney to help determine who is at fault and seek compensation on their behalf. Even though cyclists may suffer more severe injuries …
How does Allstate insurance value a bicycle injury claim?
CALL (800) 863-5312 to speak to bicycle injury lawyers Bicycle accidents in the United States are extremely prevalent. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 1,000 bicyclists die and over 130,000 are injured every year on roads in the United States. If you have been injured in a bicycle accident, you may …