CALL (800) 863-5312 to talk to Greeley ski accident lawyers about your skiing collision
Many Greeley residents joined the approximately 25 million Americans who enjoyed winter sports in the 2019/2020 winter season. Skiing and snowboarding are popular ways to spend time with friends and family members while also getting an intense workout. For many people, these outdoor sports are a way to relax and enjoy time away from the worries of the world; however, this fun comes with risk. That’s why it’s always important to know the names of a few Greeley ski accident lawyers near you.
Approximately skiers and snowboarders were injured in 2018. Sometimes the accident is instead caused by defective equipment; at other times, the negligence of other participants or of the ski resort leads to accidents and collisions.
If you or a loved one was in a snowboarding or skiing accident in Colorado, our Zinda Law Group attorneys in Greeley offer free case evaluations. Schedule one today at (800) 863-5312 and learn how your case may be eligible for a legal claim.
What are common skier injuries?
Given how many ways you could hurt yourself while skiing or snowboarding, it is no surprise that injuries can range from mild to severe. Sometimes injuries that look modest turn out to be life-changing, such as with spinal injuries.
Mild injuries include sprains, bruises, fractures, and dislocations. Depending on the cost of treatment of your mild injury, it might not be worth it to sue the person who caused it. However, with severe injuries like brain injuries or spinal injuries, you should seek compensation.
How a spinal cord injury can change your life
A severe winter sports injury like an injury to your spinal cord can have a major impact on the rest of your life. Spinal cord injuries are often caused by a sudden impact that crushes, compresses, fractures, or dislocates one or more vertebrae. Such injuries can cause permanent changes to bodily functions, such as sensation and strength, below the injury site; where the injury occurs on the spine determines which body parts will be affected.
If you received this kind of injury after a skiing collision, you should strongly consider legal action. The symptoms of the injury can be much too serious and expensive for a victim to bear without compensation from the person who caused the injury. Those symptoms may include:
- Inability to feel heat or cold
- Inability to feel touch
- Inability to control bladder or bowels
- Spasms
- Nerve pain
- Changes to fertility or sexual sensitivity
- Difficulty coughing and/or breathing
- Difficulty walking
- Extreme back pain
- Paralysis affecting your trunk, arms, hands, legs, and pelvic organs (quadriplegia)
- Paralysis affecting all or part of your trunk, legs, and pelvic organs (paraplegia)
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
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Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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