If you have sustained burn injuries due to another person’s negligence, you have a long and painful period of recovery ahead of you. In addition to concerns about your physical recovery, you are likely to have many financial worries. It is unfortunate that you have to worry about not being able to pay your bills at a time like this, but that is the reality. Even if you are able to continue working, you may not be able to perform the duties of your job as you did before the accident. The personal injury attorneys at Zinda Law Group understand your pain and frustration and we are here to help.
Schedule a Free Consultation to Discuss Your Case
Our personal injury attorneys are experienced with burn injury cases in Midland, Texas. We work hard to ensure that the responsible party is held accountable and that you receive the financial compensation you are entitled to. The first step in making that happen is to schedule an appointment for a free consultation with Zinda Law Group. During your appointment, our burn injury lawyers in Midland will ask several questions in order to understand your case. The most helpful thing you can do for this appointment is to bring as much documentation about your burn injury as possible. Regardless of how your burn injury occurred, detailed documentation is the best way to prove your case.
Experienced and Compassionate Personal Injury Attorneys
Jack Zinda and the entire staff of lawyers at Zinda Law Group have several years of experience helping personal injury victims get their lives back on track after an accident. You can expect your burn injury attorney to treat you with respect by returning your phone calls promptly and always being honest with you. We keep in frequent contact with you while we are preparing a personal injury lawsuit on your behalf.
What to Expect from a Winning Case
In most burn injury cases, you are eligible to receive payment for lost wages and earning capacity and medical bills resulting from the accident. You may also be able to receive compensation for mental and physical pain and suffering. If the other party admits wrongdoing immediately, it is possible to obtain an out-of-court settlement. When it is necessary to go to court, you have the assurance of knowing that our burn injury lawyers in Midland will fight tenaciously for your rights. We use every resource at our disposal to prove how the other party’s negligence has permanently altered your quality of life.

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation
Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation