CALL (800) 863-5312 to speak with Florida child drowning lawyers
Life in “The Sunshine State” means plenty of pools are around to provide the perfect way to relax, cool-off, and have fun. However, a beautiful day for the pool, beach, or water park can quickly turn into a nightmare when a child is seriously injured or drowns. In the U.S., drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury death in children aged one to fourteen years, and every year enough children drown in Florida to fill three or four preschool classrooms.
After pool drowning accidents, many victims’ families are left with significant financial and emotional burdens as well as uncertainty about what to do next. The injury attorneys at Zinda Law Group are compassionate and experienced in representing drowning accident victims and their families in order to help them seek the compensation they deserve. Call us today at (800) 863-5312 for a free attorney consultation with skilled Florida drowning attorneys.
Common causes of Child drownings
In the US, drowning is the leading cause of unintentional death for children ages one to four, and on average, 356 children under 14 drown in pools and spas every year. Unfortunately, Florida is no exception, and has one of the leading unintentional drowning death rates in the country. When children do not drown, they may still be left with serious injuries; across the US, for every child who dies from drowning, another five receive emergency department care for nonfatal submersion injuries.
Lack of Lifeguards or Supervision
Children should always be supervised near and in any body of water, including pools, bathtubs, and beaches. Even when a lifeguard is present, parents should still watch their children at all times. For children under five or who are weak swimmers, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that parents be within an of their children when they are swimming, for when children are left unsupervised, the chances of drowning increase.
Lack of Safety Warnings
Water parks, hotels, and community pools are required to post certain safety warnings, such as the depth of the water, “no diving” zones, or warnings for surfaces that are especially slippery. When people are unaware of the depth of the water, especially young children learning to swim, they may believe they can touch the bottom of the pool in an area that is actually much deeper and drown.
Broken Pool Equipment
When pool equipment is broken, defective, or fails to work as intended, children may become trapped underwater and drown. Broken steps or ladders may cause a child to slip, hit their head, and be knocked unconscious. Defective drains may suck hair or pieces of clothing into the system and hold a child underwater, which can result in serious injury or death.
Failure to Create a Pool Barrier
Pool fences and gates help prevent young children from entering a pool area without a supervisor. The safest pools have fences on all four sides, which are at least four feet high, and have When owners of homes, neighborhood swimming holes, or commercial pools fail to properly fence in their pools, the chances of an unintentional drowning increase.
When pools are overcrowded, lifeguards may be unable to safely monitor all swimmers. If a child is in distress, a lifeguard may fail to immediately respond to a child who is drowning.
John (Jack) Zinda
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