If you are in need of las cruces oil field injury lawyers, contact Zinda law group today AT (800) 863-5312
New Mexico is home to many oil fields, and, although they may be necessary, working in them can also be dangerous. Oil field injuries may range from minor burns, to amputations, or even death. The right Las Cruces oil field injury lawyers can help you pursue the compensation you deserve for your injuries, mental distress, and property damage.
If you have been injured in an oil field, contact Zinda Law Group’s oil field injury lawyers as soon as you can. Our experienced team can help answer your questions and fight for your legal rights. We can also help you build the strongest case possible. Contact Zinda Law Group immediately following your oil field accident at (800) 863-5312 for your 100% free initial consultation. We are available to you 24/7 and you do not pay us anything unless we are successful in winning your oil field injury case.
Is there a las cruces injury lawyer near me?
After being injured in an oil field, you may be left feeling hurt and confused, wondering what to do next. Fortunately, Zinda Law Group is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to discuss your potential case and to guide you through the legal process. Our team also has offices across the state of New Mexico and has helped families in almost every area, including in the following cities:
- Alamogordo
- Albuquerque
- Carlsbad
- Deming
- Las Cruces
- Los Alamos
- Rio Rancho
- Roswell
- Santa Fe
- Taos
Additionally, Zinda Law Group attorneys are licensed in 10 states and have offices across the nation, including in Texas, Colorado, Arizona, and Florida.
Personal injury cases typically involve several complex legal issues. Thus, it is crucial that you contact a Las Cruces personal injury lawyer as soon as possible following an oil field accident. Our team at Zinda Law Group can investigate your case, interview witnesses, track down important documents, and build a strong case. We can help get you the compensation you deserve, no matter where in New Mexico your accident took place.
Is working in the oil fields dangerous?
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Fatalities has put forth an Oil and Gas Extraction database that collects details on worker fatalities in the United States oil and gas extraction industry. According to the latest data, which was obtained in 2017, there were 69 fatalities within an average 876 number of rigs. The highest number of fatalities occurred in Texas, with 44 fatalities, while New Mexico saw 3 fatalities. The highest number of fatalities, at 62%, occurred in the well servicing industry, while drilling operations contained the second highest number of fatalities, at 9%. These numbers indicate that working in the oil field can be very dangerous.
Oil field workers face a number of dangers and hazards while on the job. These dangers, which include deadly chemicals and large machinery, may lead to serious injury, or even death. Plus, oil field workers are typically exposed to poor and extreme weather conditions, such as high winds, freezing temperatures, and extreme heat. Further, many individuals in the oil field work long hours. For instance, they may be required to work overnight and 1-2 weeks at a time without a day off. The combination of these factors can lead to a variety of injuries. Examples of these events include, but are not limited to:
Being Struck or Crushed by an Object
Oil field workers may be injured as a result of being crushed or compressed by certain objects, such as machinery, collapsing material, or operating equipment. Workers can also be injured from being struck by, or against, certain objects. For instance, the worker may be hit by discharged equipment or may be pushed against a stationary object or pile equipment.
Being Electrocuted
Oil field workers may also be electrocuted through malfunctioning equipment, unsafe working conditions, and from the failure to use proper safeguards. Electrocutions can be from the direct contact with a power source, such as when the worker is touching the power source directly, or from indirect contact, such as when the worker is touching an object that is also in contact with a power source.
From Explosions
Explosions are serious concerns in oil fields, as they have the ability to kill many workers at the same time. Explosions may occur due to a natural gas leak and combustion. Explosions may also be caused by intentional perforation, which is the creation of a hole in the casing and cement for the purpose of creating a communication tunnel between the wellbore and the formation. One example of a deadly explosion is seen through the 2010 Deepwater Horizon incident. In April of that year, the oil drilling rig exploded and sank, resulting in the tragic deaths of 11 workers. This explosion also left behind a devastated ecosystem, disrupted coastal economy, and the deaths of hundreds of thousands of animals, including sea birds, sea turtles, and dolphins.
Slipping and Falling
An oil field worker may also slip and fall on a number of water, grease, or oil puddles, injuring themselves. These types of injuries may be exacerbated when the worker falls from a great height, for instance if the worker falls from a ladder or from on top of tall machinery. Working in challenging outdoor environments, such as in rain or snowstorms, and working around cords, cables, and other hazards may also increase the likelihood of a slip and fall accident.
Being Exposed to Harmful Chemicals
Oil field workers are constantly exposed to toxic fumes and chemicals, such as hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas that is extremely flammable and highly toxic. This gas is commonly produced in a number of industries, including in oil and gas refining. The health effects from prolonged exposure to hydrogen sulfide include nausea, headaches, fatigue, irritability, loss of smell, respiratory tract irritation, collapse, unconsciousness, or, in extreme cases, instant death.
So, is working in the oil field dangerous? The answer is yes. This job requires working long hours, working in extreme weather conditions, and working with hazardous materials and equipment. Unfortunately, this combination increases the chances of being injured or killed while on the job. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one due to an oil field accident, contact one of Zinda Law Group’s oil field injury lawyers today. We are here to help you and your family through this difficult time and to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
What injuries may I sustain from an oil field accident?
There are many ways in which an oil field accident can occur. For example, poorly maintained equipment may fall on a worker, or a worker my slip and fall, harming themselves. Unfortunately, injuries from an oil field accident can be quite severe and may lead to years of medical treatment and physical rehabilitation. Certain injuries, such as amputations, may also make everyday events more challenging and negatively affect the victim’s mental health. Examples of oil field injuries may include, but are not limited to:
Oil field workers may be burned in many ways, including explosions, fires, and toxic chemicals. Burn injuries can range from minor to life-threatening. The severity of the burn will further determine treatment options. For example, many 1st degree burns are minor, causing only redness and pain. These burns may be able to be treated at home through cooling the burn area, applying petroleum jelly, and keeping the wound away from the sun. For more serious 2nd or 3rd degree burns, you may need medical attention. This may include medications, wound dressings, therapy, or even surgery. Further, you should always see a doctor when the burn was caused by chemicals or electricity.
Brain Injuries
Head injuries, such as traumatic brain injuries, are another possible result from an oil field accident. Traumatic brain injuries occur when there is a violent blow or jolt to the head or body. An oil field worker may develop a traumatic brain injury if hit by equipment or falling debris, or by falling from a significant height.
Mild traumatic brain injuries may cause headaches, dizziness, blurred vision, memory problems, and mood changes. Moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries, on the other hand, may cause convulsions, profound confusion, weakness or numbness in fingers and toes, slurred speech, and disorders of consciousness. Always seek a doctor if you have received a serious blow to the head, especially if that injury causes behavioral changes.
Read More: Brain Injury Lawyers
Spinal Cord Injuries
A spinal cord injury occurs when there is damage to any part of the spinal cord or to the nerves at the end of the spinal canal. An oil field worker may develop a spinal cord injury after a fall from a great height or from being crushed between two or more pieces of machinery. A complete spinal cord injury results in the loss of feeling and all ability to control movement below the site of the injury.
An incomplete spinal cord injury, on the other hand, means there are still some motor or sensory function below the injured area. Emergency signs of a spinal cord injury include extreme back pain, weakness or paralysis in any part of the body, loss of bladder or bowel control, and difficulty balancing and walking. Always seek medical attention after enduring a significant trauma to your head or neck, as the extent of the injury may not be immediately obvious.
Read More: Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers
An amputation is the loss or removal of a body part. These injuries may affect the victim’s ability to move, work, maintain independence, and more. Working with heavy tools and dangerous machinery are commonplace in the oil field industry. If these tools or machines are used incorrectly or improperly maintained, they may easily crush a worker’s body part or cut off an arm or leg.
As you can see, working in the oil fields can be extremely dangerous. Injuries from an oil field accident may also result in substantial medical bills, pharmaceutical costs, and therapy bills. In order to receive compensation for these injuries and subsequent costs, you must promptly file a personal injury lawsuit. A Las Cruces personal injury lawyer at Zinda Law Group can help investigate your case, determine who was at fault, and walk you through each step of the often-daunting legal process.
what is the statute of limitations to file my case?
The statute of limitations is the time limit you have to bring certain kinds of legal actions. These statutes will differ for each type of case and within each state. Thus, if you have questions regarding the statute of limitations for your case, you should contact an experienced lawyer in your state. In addition, the statute of limitations runs from the date of the injury or the date of discovery. In New Mexico, you have three years from the date of your oil field incident to file your claim. This is an important statute to know, as you may be barred from receiving compensation if you do not file your case on time. A Las Cruces personal injury lawyer at Zinda Law Group can help to file your case on time so that you will be able to receive compensation for your injuries, mental anguish, property damage, and more.
If you have been hurt in an oil field accident, contact Zinda law group las cruces oil field injury lawyers as soon as possible to discuss your case
There are many oil fields in New Mexico, including the Permian Basin, which accounts for nearly 40% of all oil production in the United States. This basin also covers an area of 300 miles long within New Mexico and Texas. These oil and gas producing areas are needed for maintaining automobiles, airplane travel, electricity production, and countless other purposes. Unfortunately, jobs in the oil field can be extremely dangerous. Victims of oil field accidents may be left with hefty medical bills and mental trauma. Further, the family members of these victims may also suffer from financial hardship and emotional anguish. Zinda Law Group’s oil field injury lawyers understand your hardships and will help you recover.
After being injured due to the negligence or intentional actions of another person or entity, you may need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you pursue compensation for your injuries. Call a Las Cruces personal injury lawyer at Zinda Law Group today. We have the skills and ability necessary to help guide you through entire legal process, from the initial filing to the final judgment. We are here for you during this difficult process and will fight for your legal rights. Contact us at (800) 863-5312 to discuss your potential personal injury case. Your initial consultation is 100% free and you do not pay us anything unless we are successful in winning your case. That is our No Win, No Fee Guarantee.
Meetings with attorneys are available by appointment only.

John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
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Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
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