Automobile insurance is a way to protect you from the financial burden of a motor vehicle accident. When you are in a car accident, the moments immediately after can be crucial, both in your actions and in your words.
Adrenaline and shock may occur after a car accident, but it is important to be very careful of what you say when dealing with insurance claims adjusters. Speak with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible, preferably before speaking with a claims adjuster.
If you have any questions regarding what not to say to an insurance adjuster, call Zinda Law Group at (800) 863 5312 for your 100% free consultation. You will not pay us anything unless we are successful in winning your case.
What Should You Never Say To An Insurance Adjuster?
Many people don’t know that they are able to negotiate with claims adjusters and that many of the things the insurance adjusters will tell you are based on strategy tactics to get you to either admit your fault or diminish fault on their behalf. What you say to insurance claims adjusters is crucial as it could harm your ability to recover what you are entitled to. Be careful to never make the following statements:
Any Admission Of Fault
It is very important to not provide an insurance adjuster with any statement that can be perceived as an admission of fault. This includes statements such as “I’m sorry,” or “I didn’t see the other driver.” If the insurance adjuster believes you are at fault, or partially at fault, for the accident, your claim may be denied, or drastically reduced.
That You Are “Okay” Or “Feel Fine”
It is not uncommon for claims adjusters to misinterpret your words to use them against you. If they ask you how you are feeling, and you respond that you are “okay” or “feel fine,” they may try to assert that your injuries are not as severe as you claim.
Be sure not to over-exaggerate your injuries, but it is important not to allow them to diminish your injuries either. It is safest not to speak to them without your attorney present. If possible, do not speak with them at all once you have an attorney who is working on your case.
Any Description Of Your Injuries
You do not want to either exaggerate or minimize your injuries when speaking to an insurance adjuster, as these statements may affect your ultimate settlement amount. The best way to avoid these mistakes is to simply not provide your insurance adjuster with any description of your injuries. If your insurance adjuster specifically asks you to describe your injuries, you can refer them to your Zinda Law Group personal injury attorney.
That You Consent To A Medical Release Waiver
Never consent to a medical release waiver requested by the insurance claims adjuster. The claims adjuster may request medical records and information that is beyond the scope of your car accident. While this may help to understand the extent of your injuries and evaluate the settlement amount, offering too much information that is not relevant could harm your claim.
That You Accept The First Settlement Offer
The first settlement offer might come quickly following the accident and might be much lower than you deserve.
If the offer comes to you before you have had time to evaluate your injuries or any damages to your car, then you cannot be sure if the offer has factored in all your costs. Do not let the claims adjuster pressure you into believing that there is a rush to accept an offer; allow yourself time to seek medical treatment and determine the value of your car to estimate repair costs before you accept any offer.
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationBe Wary Of Other Tactics
Insurance companies know that you may be under a lot of stress following a car accident and may use this vulnerability to their advantage. Insurance companies have a motive to pay you as little as possible and will not have your best interests in mind. Claims adjusters may employ a variety of tactics to accomplish their goal of avoiding a large payout.
A claims adjuster may tell you that you do not need a lawyer or that your claim is straightforward enough to proceed without representation. Do not allow them to convince you of this, as it is extremely beneficial to have a lawyer represent you who has your best interests in mind.
Claims adjusters may also attempt to deflect liability by claiming another party is responsible. They may also try to arbitrarily delay your claim. Insurance companies know that you may need immediate payment following a car accident, especially if you had expenses related to medical treatment or car repairs. Creating arbitrary deadlines by which you must accept their offers or delaying the claim to create desperation or hopelessness are both tactics to avoid a fair negotiation.
It is for these reasons why hiring an experienced personal injury attorney after a car accident is beneficial. If a claims adjuster knows that you are represented and that they must speak to your lawyer first, they may be less inclined to employ some of the tactics above.
Neil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationWhat Do Insurance Adjusters Look For?
First, insurance adjusters will look for any recorded statement that you have made. An insurance claims adjuster may ask you to give a recorded statement of your version of the events from the car accident, for instance. They may make you believe that this is not optional and may pressure you for a statement. This is not true. You are allowed to deny them and should avoid admitting any fault.
Sometimes, insurance claims adjusters may visit you in the hospital following your injuries from a car accident and attempt to obtain a recorded statement while you are vulnerable. Do not give in to these coercive tactics. Giving a recorded statement will prevent you from making changes to what you said. If you recall something incorrectly, or misstate any detail, the claims adjuster could use this against you and release themselves from liability.
Insurance adjusters may also look at your social media accounts. It is important not to talk about the car accident to too many people outside of those who were there and your attorney. Do not post pictures online or discuss your injuries online. Anything that is posted can be used against you and may harm your claim or prevent you from recovering the full compensation you could otherwise receive.
Jason Aldridge
Standing by 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to answer in your time of need.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationNeed Help? Get In Touch With A Car Accident Lawyer Today
At Zinda Law Group, our personal injury attorneys are experienced and have handled many cases involving car accident injury victims. We have the knowledge and resources necessary to help you determine what to do next and to help recover the best possible outcome for your case.
Before providing an insurance adjuster with a statement or accepting their initial settlement amount, call a Zinda Law Group personal injury attorney today at (800) 863 5312 to set up your free initial consultation. You do not have to worry about paying us anything unless we are able to win you compensation in your case. That is our “No Win, No Fee Guarantee.”
Jason Aldridge
We have successfully represented clients in a wide variety of cases across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation