CALL (888) 671-5127 TO SPEAK WITH PLANT EXPLOSION LAWYERS FOR FREE Chemicals have become part of our modern world, used to create a variety of objects, power equipment, and perform vital functions. While the use of chemicals has come to be accepted by most, it is the unfortunate reality that these chemicals can lead to dangerous …
What Steps Can You Take After a Train Accident?
CALL (888) 988-7063 TODAY TO SPEAK WITH ONE OF OUR TRAIN ACCIDENT LAWYERS FOR FREE The statistics are shocking: almost every 115 minutes a person or vehicle is hit by a train. Every 90 minutes a train collides with another train or object or is derailed. And there are 5,800 vehicle train crashes in the United …
Common Causes of Propane Explosions
CALL (800) 863-5312 to speak with gas explosion lawyers about the common causes of propane explosions Because of its flammability and combustibility, propane is useful in a number of different applications; these can include fueling engines, heating homes and other buildings, or even lighting up the backyard grill when summertime rolls around. However, the same …
Property Damage to Your Car
Property Damage to Your Car When it comes to driving in the state of Texas, drivers must pay for any accidents that they cause under the Texas Financial Responsibility Law. What exactly does this mean? Under this law, you must buy a minimum amount of insurance to cover any damage that is caused to others …
Legal Definition of Negligence
THE LEGAL DEFINITION OF NEGLIGENCE Personal injury cases often all revolve around the ability to prove the other party’s negligence. You may be wondering, what is negligence? The Legal Definition of Negligence is the main factor used in determining fault or accountability that results in injury. This article will help to explain what negligence is …
Personal Injury Settlement Calculator
CALL (888) 988-7063 TO SPEAK WITH ONE OF OUR ZINDA LAW GROUP PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS TODAY How much is my case worth? This is often the first question a client asks after giving an attorney a rundown of the facts and the medical treatment. Thanks to daily media reports and the constant stream of attorney advertisements …
Texas Animal Control Offices
If you or a loved one has been attacked by a dog, it is very important that you contact animal control to report the incident. Below you will find the contact information for various animal control offices. If any of the information is incorrect, or if you would like to see a city or town …
Understanding How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit: A Step-by-Step Guide
CALL (888) 988-7063 TO SPEAK WITH ONE OF OUR ZINDA LAW GROUP PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEYS TODAY Filing suit means presenting a formal document called a Petition or Complaint with a court that initiates a lawsuit. In the petition, the Plaintiff (person filing the petition) alleges a Cause of Action against a Defendant for which they seek …
Why am I Suing an Individual Instead of the Insurance Company?
CALL (888) 988-7063 TO SPEAK WITH ONE OF OUR ZINDA LAW GROUP ATTORNEYS TODAY After being involved in a wreck, our attorneys work aggressively to resolve our clients’ injury claims with the insurance company of the responsible driver. However, when insurance companies refuse to fairly settle our clients’ bodily injury claims, the only leverage that remains …
Who does the Settlement Check get made out to?
CALL (888) 314-6671 TO SPEAK WITH CAR ACCIDENT LAWYERS FOR FREE If you’re represented when you receive a settlement check for a motor vehicle accident, the settlement check is usually going to be made out to both you and your attorney jointly. When the check comes to your attorney’s law firm, they will ask you to …