If you have been the victim of an auto accident in Houston, you are probably left facing a lot of questions. Who is going to pay your medical bills? When will you be able to go back to work? Is the insurance company offering me a fair settlement? How does the legal process work?
Fortunately, you don’t have to search for the answers to these questions alone. If you were in an accident, let an experienced Houston car accident attorney from Zinda Law Group help you. We can take care of the entire legal process, deal with the insurance company, and seek the full and fair compensation that you deserve.
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Our Personal Injury Experience
Our Texas personal injury attorneys are experienced in many types of car accidents. We handle cases including:
- Multi-vehicle accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Head-on accidents
- Rear-end accidents
- Side impact accidents
- Drunk drivers
- Hit-and-run accidents
- Uninsured or underinsured drivers
Our Houston car accident lawyers can answer any questions you may have and help you understand your rights & options. Our attorneys also operate on a contingency fee basis, which means if we don’t win your case, you won’t owe us a dime.
When to Call a Zinda Law Group Car Accident Lawyer
You can call a Zinda Law Group car accident lawyer within hours of your initial car accident. Doing so allows you to discuss what rights you have under Texas law to the compensation that can help you pay your post-accident bills.
These laws specifically entitle you to a civil lawsuit, should you wish to pursue one. If you do pursue a civil lawsuit, you can name a particular entity liable for your roadway losses and thereby responsible for your economic recovery.
Zinda Law Group helps you with this process by connecting you to not one but two attorneys who can investigate your losses, compile your complaint, and bring your complaint before a judge. We also pair you with an investigative and medical team to ensure that we can address your case from all angles.
Taking Action After a Car Accident
The hours immediately following a car accident, no matter how mild or severe, can be some of the most challenging you go through. How do you begin to recover from your losses? What steps can you take to make your long-term recovery easier?
When in doubt, call on an attorney to guide you through the process. You have the right to request that an attorney intercedes for you in conversations with the police, a liable party, and even your insurance provider. At the same time, you can pursue what medical attention you and your passengers may need to stabilize after a crash.
If you have the ability to do so, you should also:
Document the Car Accident
If you happen to have a camera or smartphone with you, you should take pictures of all the vehicles that were involved in the accident, including your own. If you have visible injuries, you should photograph them as well.
You can also talk to the people at the scene with you and get their contact information. Bystanders’ reports detailing your accident can help you argue for your right to compensation later down the line.
Exchange Information and Call Your Insurance Provider
You always want to get a person’s name, phone number, address, and insurance information after they hit you on the road. This information is essential to ensuring you can file an insurance claim and can also help you initiate a lawsuit against the offending party.
If you’re involved in a hit-and-run accident, do not pursue the fleeing party for this information. Let the police go after the offending party instead.
Once you have the liable party’s contact information, you need to contact your insurance provider. Most providers expect you to contact them within a day of your accident, after which they may send an insurance claim adjuster out to assess the severity of your losses.
You can have an attorney on standby throughout these proceedings to ensure a company recognizes the full value of your losses.
How to Draft a Car Accident Claim
If you want to draft a car accident lawsuit, you need to prove that another party engaged in unreasonable roadway negligence in a civil complaint. Texas requires you to file your claim in the same jurisdiction where your crash took place. Your complaint must specifically go into detail regarding:
- The negligent party’s duty of care
- The way in which the negligent party violated that duty of care
- The losses you endured due to that breach
- The nature of your injuries and related losses
A car accident attorney in Houston, TX, can specifically guide you through the process of:
Assigning Car Wreck Liability
You can file a car accident lawsuit without first knowing who you want to hold liable for your losses. You can determine car crash liability by assessing the evidence available at the accident scene. This evidence can include:
- Statements from witnesses
- Expert witness input
- Physical data and debris
- Black box data, if applicable
- Social media posts
- News reports
- Police reports and emergency responder statements
This evidence may assign fault for your losses to another driver. Alternatively, fault may fall onto an auto mechanic, auto manufacturer, construction crew, or government official. No matter who the evidence lays the blame on, though, know that you must be prepared to defend any assertions of fault you make before a judge.
You should also be aware of Texas’s modified understanding of comparative fault. This understanding means that so long as you are less than 51 percent liable for an accident, you can pursue damages. However, your total settlement may be reduced by the amount of fault you allegedly contributed to an accident.
You can discuss evidence of fault as well as modified comparative negligence with your Houston car accident attorney.
Establishing Your Desired Damages
Each car accident generates its own unique array of losses and, subsequently, damages. The damages you deserve after a car accident can tie directly back to the expenses you endured in the face of someone else’s negligence.
You can break your car crash losses down into two categories. Your economic car crash damages generate a paper trail. This means you can refer to medical bills, property repair invoices, and reduced paychecks to determine those losses’ overall value.
Non-economic damages are comparatively nebulous. These losses do not generate bills and, thereby, don’t have an inherent dollar value. Instead, attorneys can use state-approved techniques to assign value to your mental anguish, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.
Filing Before Your Statute of Limitations Expires
You have no more than two years to launch an investigation into your car accident and file your claim with Texas’s civil courts. Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code section 16.003 establishes this deadline, known as the state’s statute of limitations, and applies it to every non-minor car accident survivor interested in legal action.
You must bring your car crash complaint forward before your statute of limitations expires if you want a judge to consider your losses. If you try to file your claim after your statute of limitations expires, the court can throw out your case.
Minors, conveniently, have a more generous statute of limitations. The aforementioned statute of limitations doesn’t go into effect until the minor turns 18 years old. This means that minors have far longer to contact an attorney and begin an investigation into their losses. Parents can work with Zinda Law Firm to discuss how best to represent a minor after a car accident.
Get Help from an Experienced Houston, TX Car Accident Lawyer Today
Zinda Law Group’s car accident attorneys in Houston, TX, know how difficult it can be to get your life back on track after a wreck. That’s why we offer you access to an experienced team of legal professionals, all of whom can make sure you don’t have to go through your recovery alone.
Our team has the experience and resources necessary to help you build a strong case against the party responsible for your wreck. In turn, we can seek out the maximum compensation you deserve for the wrongs done to you. You can trust our firm to tackle your case without adding additional financial stress to your life courtesy of our No Win, No Fee guarantee.
Are you ready to take legal action? Don’t wait any longer. Call Zinda Law Group or contact us online to schedule a free case evaluation with our auto accident attorneys. Meetings are available by appointment only.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Do Lawyers Charge For Car Accident Representation?
Zinda Law Group’s car accident lawyers in Houston operate on contingency fees. As part of our No Win, No Fee agreement, you won’t receive a bill for our legal services unless we win your case. Even then, we establish contingency fee agreements to ensure that your expectations regarding future payments are clear from the beginning.
What’s the Average Car Accident Settlement?
There’s no such thing as an average car accident settlement. Each case has its own unique variables that change what damages you may deserve. You can, however, work with an attorney before pursuing a case to calculate what the total value of your damages may be. You can then determine whether or not you want to move forward with a case.
How do You Calculate the Value of Non-Economic Damages?
Our law firm can calculate the value of your non-economic damages in one of two ways. The per diem method allows us to assign a dollar value to non-economic losses like pain and suffering, and mental anguish. We then multiply that value by the number of days you suffered from your relevant loss.
We can alternatively use multiple method to calculate the value of your non-economic losses. This is one of the most common non-economic valuing methods. It sees us apply a multiple ranging from one to five to your relevant non-economic damage. We then use that multiple to modify the sum total of your economic losses.
Our Awards
AWARDED TO JOHN C. (JACK) ZINDA (2009, 2011-2012, 2014-2021), & NEIL SOLOMON (2020-2021)
John (Jack) Zinda
Founder / CEO
Over 100 years of combined experience representing injured victims across the country.
Available 24 / 7|Free ConsultationNeil Solomon
Real results matter. We do not get paid unless we win your case.
Available 24 / 7|Free Consultation